House Rules

At our orientation yesterday, they recommended we make up a list of "house rules" to go over with our student upon arrival and clarified that it's much easier to "relax" on rules through the year than make new rules up that we never made clear to begin with.

They also reviewed that there are spoken and unspoken rules, how to cross cultural barriers and ensure your student truly understands.

So - tonight...I am trying to think of "what are our rules?". I don't know what rules for a modern teenager are.  Phones, internet safety, curfews...things we have just not dealt with yet.

We were told to set our own rules, not disregarding the natural parents, but going with what we decide is best for us.

We brainstormed some ideas, but this will also be a good opportunity to lay out our expectations for our whole family, not just for Marisa.  i.e. shut lights off, help out with dishes, keep your own spaces clean and picked up, etc.

Interesting to think about when you are forced to - what are our rules??


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