So Many Appliances

Reminiscing - towards the beginning of her stay, Marisa commented on how many appliances (can't remember if it was about our family or Americans in general) we have. 

I recognize we have a LOT more space to store things like that - whether in the kitchen or elsewhere.  Perhaps we do have too many appliances and gadgets.  I often times weed out what I have if I have not used it in "X" amount of years.  In comparison to many other Americans, I probably have a lot less gadgets than most.  And like other Americans, I assume I use the same 1-2 appliances/gadgets while the others remain sitting.

I don't have a bread maker, I refuse to get an Instant Pot.  Give me my Crock Pot anytime on a winter day.  I'm all about throwing things in and not having to do anything else.  I did fall in love with a 9 in one appliance (air fryer, oven, grill, pizza stone, dehydrator, etc) - I do use that fairly regularly.

My understanding is many Germans have an appliance, that sounds fairly similar to an Instant Pot.  I cannot recall the name, but it sounds like a pressure cooker of some sort.

I do try to think twice before I get or ask for anything in the kitchen - there is just not enough time (in my life anyways) to use all of that.  

Keeping it simple is probably a good lesson learned.


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