Refills at Restaurants & Plastic Straws

Complain as we may, we Americans - free refills on beverages aren't free around the world like they are here.  In Germany, Marisa knows to conserve her beverage or it will cost her parents more money - you get one drink for your dining out experience.

Also, in Germany, plastic straws (and bags) are banned.  Marisa is enjoying the luxury of free refills wherever we go, as well as stable straws that don't disintegrate as you drink.

I'm all about sustainable, supporting and bettering the earth - so I'm not quite sure why plastic bags and straws are still allowed here (though I know some places are cracking down).

She also supports this and understands the reasoning for non-plastic straws, but it has still been a nice enjoyment to have plastic straws that are sturdy throughout the entire drink while she is here and is considered a luxury.  But - I do support Germany in their forward-thinking efforts that are more progressed than ours for the good of mother nature and our lives on this planet and the sustainability of the planet and its/our future.

Back to the refills - if you are like me and enjoy a good conspiracy theory every now and then (for fun or not), I do wonder if something larger is at play.  Between our mass amounts of sugar consumption, particularly in beverages (look up and watch documentaries on government contracts with sugar producers and Florida - it really makes you think what is going on at a higher level that downflows to American health).  

From our supersized drinks to our handouts of sugar-laden beverages - we truly are asking for poor health and a health epidemic.  It's no surprise at all how many Americans are beyond unhealthy, myself included, try as we may.  This is not a political post - so let's not go there.  Can we ever have thoughts and opinions in our country that don't turn political?  I just want to make an observation on an unhealthy culture without fear of offense or polarization.  The truth hurts - look around you, in stores, most aisles, at checkout - it's insanity and disturbing and we put up with it.

If you are in agreement with this and also question daily what you can do (like me), despite a system you cannot change, I invite you to explore the book Healthy Deviant by Pilar Gerasimo and her podcast with Dallas Hartwig (co-founder of The Whole 30) called "The Living Experiment" (as well as "Experience Life" magazine).  It is fascinating and has really great ideas on being deviant in our unhealthy culture and how bogged down we are by it.

I wonder if or when America will get on board with banning plastic straws and bags (not just by region) as well as massive amounts of sugar consumption.  We could all do better.

Below is a picture from a lovely BBQ restaurant we stopped at in Arizona - the cup on the left is the "child-size" drink and the cup on the right is an "adult-small"...SMALL people.  Have you ever ordered a "SMALL" sized drink somewhere and been shocked at how LARGE it is??  I bet you have...


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